
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020


 Hello, today I am going to tell you about English and how do i use it The truth is that I am very bad at English, I do not master the language very well, but I hope to do better. At school I always had problems with English and it was terrible because I did not understand it, now I feel that I am much better and that I have advanced a lot compared how I did it before For me at least I have learned much more in university than in school regarding English. I think that one of the things that is most difficult for me is to speak and to be able to formulate what I want to say, it was very hard to me, it is also difficult for me to understand when they speak to me in English, sometimes I understand it but it is difficult for me to process it Regarding writing a blog in English is difficult, because for me it is rare to write. The truth is that I am a very bad writer, it never occurs to me what to write. Besides, my redaction is horrible and I feel which I write is not understood and with E

My hobby

Hello, today I came to tell you about my favorite hobby. Hobbies refer to activities that are practiced for pleasure and recreational time. For me, one of my favorite hobbies is reading. I love reading and most of my money is spent on books. It is hard for me to read in PDF so I have to buy physical books I came up with 5 questions that I hope I can answer well so that you can understand me.  ¿What genre do I like to read? ¿How much time do I spend reading? ¿What is my favorite book? ¿What is my favorite author? ¿In what way do I like to read? Normally what I like to read are romance books, but lately, I've been interested in horror and science fiction books. I find that reading helps you in many ways in life, plus you can go to places you don't know just by reading about them. Because of the university, I had to put books aside because my time is less and less, so I can't read much of the books that I like. When I do have time I read about 200 pages a day. My favorite book

My Study Programme

 Hello! Today I am going to write about my study program, I find that this subject is a bit difficult since I do not have much knowledge of the subject. At the moment I am studying Architecture at the University of Chile and this degree has a duration of 5 and a half years. I'm going according to the program of studies, so I'm doing fine. The study program of my career has (a lot) kinds of subjects that produce good training. The subjects range (is) from mathematical to social fields, giving wide options to learn. One of the problems that architecture has is that it has a lot of work and normally teachers exploit their students with work without taking (care) that there are other subjects. So, since the workload is high, a large part of the people who enter this career decide to abandon it, because it is very difficult to complete in college. In my first year studying Architecture, my teachers were quite difficult and half of my classmates in my classes dropped out. This is qui

Postgraduate Studies

Hi! How are you? Today I will talk about what I would like to study in the future, after finishing studying Architecture. Right now I'm studying Architecture at the Universidad de Chile, this year is my four semester and i really like this major. Architecture is very novelty and creative, it has many areas of opportunity and I can always learn more. At the moment, I really like town planning because it samples the organization of the city and how to make it sustainable. Also, in the world there are many problems of contamination and some of them come from bad conceived and planned cities. Another matter I will like study more in depth is the construction and how to works the structure of the building. In the university there are courses regarding this topic, but they are not very wide and do not explain every aspect of it. This topic is very interesting because it helps you see architecture from another point of view, allowing you to make better decisions when conceiving a building